Monday, April 27, 2020

How to Be So Irresistible Online Youll Barely Keep from Buying Your Own Stuff

How to Be So Irresistible Online Youll Barely Keep from Buying Your Own Stuff Irresistible Attraction by Supreme Decals This is a guest post from Jess Webb, who creates beautiful + delicious online presences for female entrepreneurs over at Jessilicious. Shes a sweetheart and a smartie -I totally agree with every single one of her points below! Have you ever come across someone online and you just  fell in love  with them and what they were doing? There was just  something  about them and their online presence that drew you in. You felt like you had just made an amazing discovery by finding this person. You just  knew  they had something that would help you, and you  couldnt sign up fast enough  when they offered you a chance to learn more, whether it was a free gift or an offer that you pulled out your credit card to get in on. Now imagine if  you  were that irresistible to  your ideal clients? What if you could have people eagerly signing up for your offers, feeling like they had made a great discovery by finding you, and excitedly sharing you with all their friends? Sound good? Here’s the truth.  You absolutely can be irresistible online! And you can start to shift toward being that irresistible right now. Are you ready? Here are three steps you can take right now to start to be irresistible online Identify Your Ideal Client + What She* Wants *(Your ideal client may well be a man, I’m in no way suggesting it will be a woman. I just find it’s easier to identify with she/her or him instead of them, or they, and that’s why I refer to your ideal client as “she”.) If you’re online trying to sell to anyone and everyone, you’re going to get mediocre results. When you’re trying to talk to  everyone, you’ll end up with  no one  really hearing you. You need to identify your ideal client. An ideal client is someone who you love to work with, who needs what you have to offer right now AND is happy to pay you what you’re worth for it. When describing your ideal client, you need to dig right down to her frustrations and fears, dreams and goals, as well as the demographics like where she lives, what she does, what her hobbies and interests are. Get uber clear on this, and make up an imaginary person if you want to. Or pick one of your current clients who fits the description. Make it really personal, so that when you’re writing your marketing content you can picture exactly who you are talking to, and you know just what their pain and frustration is, and how you can help them solve their problem. This step alone can make a huge difference! Once you know precisely who you are talking to, your message will be more clear, compelling and speak directly to that person. They’ll  have  to listen, because you’ll be talking directly to them! Create an Irresistible Online Presence to Attract Your Ideal Clients Now that you know  who  your ideal client is, and what she needs, it’s time to create an online presence that speaks to her, that attracts her and draws her in to find out more. You want your website, Facebook Page, Twitter, squeeze pages, and anything else you are doing online to  sing  to your ideal client. You want her to feel relief that she’s found someone who can help. Excitement about the possibilities that you show her. And a commitment to do whatever she needs to do to get those results. (Hint: Don’t cheap out here! Hire a professional to help you get it all set up just right. It will save you lots of money in the long run.) Your brand should reflect who  you  are, with all your unique gifts and talents. It should strut your stuff, as the expert that you are in your field. And it should appeal to your ideal client and make them feel welcome and confident that you can help them get the results they want. That’s a pretty tall order, so don’t rush this. Play with ideas, get some help from an expert, and get feedback from people who know you and your business well and support you to be the most you can be. Once you’ve got your brand the colors, fonts, images, graphics, and everything else that goes along with it then get it up there online! Your website, Facebook page, ebooks, Twitter profile, squeeze pages, newsletters and anything else you’re doing online needs to line up with your brand. That includes the actual design make sure you’re online places are all customized and branded with your unique image. Make Irresistible Offers Offers are what lets your ideal clients know exactly what you have and how you can help them. Don’t expect them to go combing through your website or brochure to find all the details. You need to be telling them about what you have. Putting offers out there. Start with a small free gift on your website, that they can download by signing up with their email address. Make it extra enticing, and something that will help them start to solve their problem, or get one step closer to getting the results they want. Give it a catchy headline that draws them in. Voila! Now you’re building an email list, and you can start sending out regular emails to those subscribers! Send a regular newsletter, and make offers in it. Sure, you want to include great free content, but don’t forget to let them know how they can take it further. When making offers, don’t worry so much about the features of what you’re offering. They don’t really care about all the details at least not right away. You can share those later. Start with the benefits, the really great results they will get. How will it impact their business, their income, their family, their lifestyle, their health, their emotions? It doesn’t matter  what  you’re offering, there are always lots of juicy benefits that people experience by working with you. List them out, highlight them, talk about them. Then when your ideal client raises her hand to say that she’s interested, you can cover the details at that point, or whenever she starts asking about them. Get used to making offers and asking your people to take action. Even if  no one buys  at first, keep doing it! Keep refining your message, digging deeper into the benefits they’ll get, and talking to real-life people who are your ideal clients to get feedback on what they need and what you can do to help them get the results they want. Follow just these three steps, and you’ll soon have ideal clients banging down your door, eager to work with you Because you’ll be so irresistible! And along with that, comes more money, more confidence and a hell of a lot more fun! Jess Webb is a digital artist who helps women entrepreneurs be irresistible online to attract their ideal clients, make more money and make a difference in the world. If you don’t have a website yet *OR* you need a fresh new re-branding to create an online presence that truly reflects your gifts, talents and ambitions,  sign up for a free, no-pressure, strategy session with Jess where she’ll give you at least one customized tip that you can take action on NOW to start to be irresistible online.

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